
Friday, September 30, 2011

From the Frozen foods Dept.: Jello Gelatin Pops

Gelatin Pops
Company: Jell-O
Years: 70's-80's

In the 80's, Jello Gelatin Pops were the "Healthy" Alternative to their sister product Jello Pudding Pops.....Because they were made with Fruit, which OBVIOUSLY made them healthier. Right?
This seemed to be my parents reasoning too, because even though I remember eating a lot of Pudding Pops back in my day, I also remember that there was always a box of Gelatin Pops sitting right next to them in the freezer. And after the Pudding Pops were devoured by the pack of hungry kids that was me and my friends, we would always have to "Finish up the box of Gelatin Pops" before she would buy any more Pudding Pops. I seriously think that she thought she was balancing out the Sugar intake of the Pudding Pops with the Fruity Goodness of the Gelatin Pops, which upon further review, she wasn't.

They came in 3 flavors, and If I remember correctly, they were Strawberry, Orange, and the other red one (Cherry? Salsa? Blood?).

Even though Gelatin Pops were the Go-Bots to the Pudding Pops Transformers, Gelatin Pops still bring back some good memories. Like getting down to the freezer first and finding there was only one Pudding Pop left, eating it quietly, then snickering when my sisters threw a fit upon learning that the only frozen treat left was the Gelatin Pops.
Ahh....good times.

If you absolutely have to have these, even though they are Gone (but not forgotten), there is a recipe on the Kraft website where you can make your own. Enjoy! - Gelatin Pops


  1. these were the best frozen treat to ever be made!!Why they stopped making them is beyond me,but who ever decided to stop should really have a big a*s kicking!!!

    1. Agreed! I never knew someone else felt the same way I did! I remember when they were discontinued, I wrote the CEO a letter telling them I was so disappointed and how could you do this to kids!? Haha! I also remember finding one months later in the bottom of our freezer and it was the best day ever! Freezer burn and all. Ha!

    2. I think they stopped making them and the pudding pops because they weren't making any money off of them - although they were very popular and they sold well the cost to make them was high. I think they sold them to Popsicle who made them a while but just wasn't the same. I don't know if they changed but when they first came out, the flavors were: Orange, Grape, Cherry & Strawberry (I seen a box)

    3. They were my favorite too☺️

  2. They were so delicious! The 3rd flavor was raspberry. Yum!

  3. These were great. I found some other company makes posing pops but still no gelatin pops.

  4. These did rock - do you remember Tuscan Pops? I haven't seen anything about them in a long time...there are a couple commercials on retrojunk about them, but that is all I can find of them.

  5. They were more than just frozen jello, there was something else in them. I'm thinking they were more like frozen parfait than jello. They probably stopped making them because they had a secret ingredient that either causes cancer or came from the black market in Hong Kong

  6. The other ingredient is Cool Whip. If making one box of Jello for pops, use 1 cup of Cool Whip.
    Make gelatin like normal but after mixing, fold in the cup of Cool Whip and then pour into mold and freeze.
    The secret to good popsicles us that they freeze them under extreme temps,so right before you start, put freezer on coldest setting and if it has an Express Freeze option, turn that on.

    My wife worked at Kraft and she told me the recipe. It's also the same for the Pudding pops. I make them all the time and they taste just like they did when i was a kid minus some if the finer points, like the icey coating they had that would "snap" when you took the first bite. I would do anything for an original!!

    1. You are AMAZING!!! We are not worthy!! Thank you so much, you are so appreciated.

    2. Omg yes! That snap mmmmmm!! I was wondering if cool whip or heavy cream might do the trick!! Thank you so much for this amazing secret!! <3 I quite literally cried when these were discontinued ;.( I tried explaining them to people but it’s like nothing else

    3. They always had a certain way the creamy goodness would soften but not melt into a huge good I wish we could bring them back and get rid of skinny cow :/

    4. We tried mixing the Cool Whip into the Jello, but it separated during freezing. Although, that might be due to a preparation mistake. If there are more specific instructions, please let me know.

  7. The other ingredient is Cool Whip. If making one box of Jello for pops, use 1 cup of Cool Whip.
    Make gelatin like normal but after mixing, fold in the cup of Cool Whip and then pour into mold and freeze.
    The secret to good popsicles us that they freeze them under extreme temps,so right before you start, put freezer on coldest setting and if it has an Express Freeze option, turn that on.

    My wife worked at Kraft and she told me the recipe. It's also the same for the Pudding pops. I make them all the time and they taste just like they did when i was a kid minus some if the finer points, like the icey coating they had that would "snap" when you took the first bite. I would do anything for an original!!

  8. Omg I've been searching the internet for the name of these popsicles! Yes they were the best!

  9. I loved these pops! They were and are my favorite summer go to treat!!! (back in the day I would go the extreme and cover in Magic Shell chocolate!!) Miss them terribly....but with the horrible press around BC, I doubt we can ask them to bring them back for quite some time!

  10. I found that if you dip them in water then refreeze them you can get them closer to that crunch that the originals had.
