
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

From the Candy Aisle: Summit Bars

Product: Summit Cookie Bars
Company: Mars
Years: 1977-1984
Image by Petes_Old_Food on Flickr

Remember Summit Bars? I mean, do you really REALLY remember them? Because I can't say I without a shadow of a doubt remember them, but when looking at the wrapper, it seems vaguely familiar to me. Like when you're out drinking with your friends, and you see a girl at the bar that you swear you're not sure how or why, but you know her. Maybe she was in your 5th hour Algebra class in Highschool, or maybe you hooked up with her in college after a night of consuming too many Irish Car Bombs. You were never one to say no to free drinks, so when Tony "The Tank" kept buying round after round of shots for everyone, it was bound to take it's toll, and by god, it did.
Maybe you stumbled up to her and offered to buy her a drink, and she too, in her inebriated state, took the drink. You began to talk about cute she awesome the Dave Matthews concert was that you were at.....that your dad works for NASA (he really doesn't)....and you hit it off. You stumble to a few more bars with her before eventually making it back to your place. You remember kissing her at the door and stumbling to your room, but then BOOM, lights out, power passed out cold. When the sun came up, she was leaving. You barely mumbled "Hey, what's your name again?" before she bolted through the door, leaving you confused and a bit curious if anything happened at all. But the faint image of her has always stuck with you.

And now, as you are staring at this girl at the bar, some 15 years later, you are trying to pry that image from the mental files of your mind. Is it her? Isn't it her? God, I don't know.....what was her name? Lisa? Rhonda? Do I really remember her at all? Or do I just think I do?

Yeah, that's pretty much what the Summit Bar is to me. It looks familiar. But I don't know if I ever hooked up with it.

I meant ate it.

From what I've read (my memory isn't so great, remember?), the Summit bar was 2 waffers covered in peanuts, then drenched in chocolate. Doesn't sound like a candy bar I could pick out of a lineup or taste test. Guess that's why Mars discontinued it.

Who out there remembers these? Help me fill in the blanks, as in my brain, they are sketchy at best.


  1. I have a vague recollection of this one, from back in 1980, when I was four. We had some of these in the freezer, and (at the risk of getting busted) I fished one out and ate it. I was familiar with Twix; this is pretty much what it reminded me of, and all I really remember of it. That, and the packaging, which reminded me of the Columbia label on the 45's they put out in the mid-'70s. Great to see it again--I was sure that maybe I only dreamed they existed, as I never found anything else on them until now.

    1. No you DIDN'T just say the Summit Bar's wrapper reminded you of the 70's Columbia 45' labels. I remember both very clearly (I was 8 at the time of your 'freezer caper'), and you're 100% right. You describe things a LOT like I do. Great comment.

    2. I definitely remember the SUMMIT bars. I used to buy one every morning on the walk to school in the 6th grade. They cost .25 plus .01 tax. It was my absolute favorite. I was sick when they quit making them.
      I felt the same dismay when the "MARATHON" candy bar wad discontinued. And the MARS bar... They should leave well enough alone sometimes.

  2. Nope! I remember these as well--in fact, I remember that my mother loved these (and the Zero candy bar). Then, I suppose the Summit bar be replaced by Twix? I'm not sure of the origin of Twix, but for some reason I thought they'd just been renamed.

    1. No, Summit was not replaced by Twix. They were both around at the same time for a while. And interestingly, Twix used to have two versions, the one we have now and peanut butter.

  3. Actually, Summit was completely different then the Twix bars..they were both around at the same time. Similar, yet different.

    1. Yes they did hit the shelves around the same time, but I thought were better than twix! I tried butter finger eager bar and it has a similar taste. I wish they bring these back!!

    2. Yes, that is correct. I wish that the Summit bar has a comeback, the Summit bars were really, REALLY good compared to the Twix bars. Although, the Twix bars are good as well.

  4. I remember these vividly. Yes, they did come out around the same time as Twix bars, but they were completely different. I never cared for Twix, but I loved, loved, loved Summit bars. My father owned a gas station and I was in charge of ordering the candy. I made sure I always ordered plenty of these. I would have one each day after school. I was so disappointed when our distributor told us these would no longer be manufactured. The heck with Twinkies. Summit candy bars need to make a comeback. I would buy cases!

    1. I loved them too. Can someone ...please...please....make them, again!!!!

    2. I loved them too. Can someone ...please...please....make them, again!!!!

    3. Yes Summit in Twix came out at the same time I worked for a wholesaler I couldn't believe that the cheap caramel Twix made it and they took some it off the market

    4. PS working for the wholesaler I used to buy them by the Box

    5. I loved the summit bar. It was my favorite candy bar in the 80s. I don’t eat much chocolate but I sure would eat a summit bar. Bring back the summit bars.

  5. I remember this candy and can still remember the taste .. it was similiar to Twix and came out around the same time but this taste was undeniably one of the best candy bars out. Its sort of like a whatchamacallit but skinnier .. I wish they would remake this bar.

    1. Yes. The ORIGINAL WHATCHAMACALLIT was the absolute best. I was so disappointed when they added caramel. I enjoyed the peanut butter flavor without the caramel addition.

  6. Anyone else think the packaging for them looks like firestarter logs?

  7. I miss Summit of my fave's in late 70's early '80's...I remember the commercials..."Peanuts, wafers & Light"...wish they'd bring 'em much better than Twix.

  8. I can remember them quite well and wish they were still around. I do not remember any similarity between them and the Twix candy bar though. What I remember is the wafer cookie that had a light coating of peanut butter between each layer and covered with chocolate. It was so light and crisp, you could hear the crackle with each bite (almost like the snap, crackle and pop you get with rice crispies) and the taste of the rich creamy peanut butter with the chocolate bringing all the flavors together for a melt in your mouth burst of flavors. Oh yes...I so wish they were still around and have been looking for them ever since they disappeared :(

  9. I remember them well.They were more like a KitKat bar but had chunky Pisces of peanuts on top covered with chocolate.

  10. Summit bars were divine! I used to get them at my day-camp canteen as a tween

  11. I loved these things... They were like the "crack of candy" to me. It was like having a Kit Kat (which by itself is good) with chunks of peanuts on top... very delicious.

    1. My absolute favorite! Why did they get rid of them?

  12. Summit was a great tasting candy bar, In 1982 I was in the 6th grade. I lived in Rockville,Md.Back then quality and freshness was actually existed. When candy exceeded its expiration date 711 would LITERALLY throw away cases of candy.Don't have to tell all of u that I did a lot of dumpster Summit was my favorite. I remember wafers,tiny chopped nuts, peanut butter, and chocolate. Great crunchy texure and delicious. Bring them back.

  13. Summit was a great tasting candy bar, In 1982 I was in the 6th grade. I lived in Rockville,Md.Back then quality and freshness was actually existed. When candy exceeded its expiration date 711 would LITERALLY throw away cases of candy.Don't have to tell all of u that I did a lot of dumpster Summit was my favorite. I remember wafers,tiny chopped nuts, peanut butter, and chocolate. Great crunchy texure and delicious. Bring them back.

  14. I loved Summit. They are identical in form to the Cadbury "Time Out" bar sold in the UK now, except the Summit had a top coating of peanut bits on the top wafer. I believe the final version of Summit did away with the nuts shortly before they killed it forever.

    1. Gee, I can't say ANYTHING new here, LOL!

      I just commented, listing the jingle and recommending "Time Out" (as sold by Cadbury in Australia) as being the closest thing to Summit that can still be found, although it doesn't have the nuts.

      And lo and behold, I page back and someone's already listed the jingle, and you've already listed Time Out!!

      I noticed someone recommended Kit-Kats as being similar. No. No. Kit-Kats are HARD. Time Outs, like Summits, have, well, "light" consistency, like the jingle says. Crisp, but not excessively crunchy like a Kit-Kat would be. The chocolate coating on a Time Out, like a Summit, is not hard like it is on a Kit-Kat.

  15. Summit bars came out about the same time as Twix, and I liked Summit much better. I was bummed that they disappeared. KitKat has a crispy bar out now that is the closest thing I've ever trashed to the Summit bar.

  16. I've missed these as soon as they stopped carrying them in my corner store. I believe they came out w these when twix were made. I'd rather have these! They were a perfect combo of ingredients. Wish there was a way to get them to bring them back as a trial. See how well it does. At least I could buy a few boxes, and have them for a bit!!!

  17. I've missed these as soon as they stopped carrying them in my corner store. I believe they came out w these when twix were made. I'd rather have these! They were a perfect combo of ingredients. Wish there was a way to get them to bring them back as a trial. See how well it does. At least I could buy a few boxes, and have them for a bit!!!

  18. These were DELICIOUS. I remember them because if I was going to a birthday party as a kid, I always attached a candy bar to my present. I usually picked a Summit bar.

  19. I wish they would bring them back.. They were my favorite..

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Summit was my favorite. I always got Summit, my sister always picked Twix. If you liked Summit and want to experience it again, buy Reese's Sticks. It's the same candy bar in a different wrapper.

    1. Not quite. It has a stronger nut taste than Summit, which was more subtle...

  22. I remember watching the COLOR TV! in the Super 8 Motel on the way to Granddad's and a commercial came on with a fit couple out for a ride on their ten-speeds, taking a break alongside a gorgeous sunset vista and enjoying a candy bar I'd never seen, as the jingle played:
    After only one bite
    You'll love the chocolate, peanuts and
    Chocolate, peanuts and
    Chocolatey peanuts and
    Which made no particular sense. Even as a kid it struck me that some old men in a boardroom somewhere had cooked up a marketing campaign to try to sell candy bars to this strangely resistant new generation that was into jogging and yogurt and jazzercise.

    1. LOL, I'm not the only one who remembers the jingle! (I remember slightly different words, but similar, and I'm sure we'd sing it to the same tune.)

      "Strangely resistant new generation that was into jogging and yogurt and jazzercise" ... hmmm, that's probably what resulted in the "cookie bar" designation, because some market researcher decided it was healthier sounding than "candy bar". LOLOL.

  23. I thought I had made this candy up!

  24. It was my favorite candy bar when i was little. My dad was a union carpenter and his work had a vending machine full of these. He'd bring me one every day after a double shift. I was so sad when they changed the recipe, yes there was a different crappy version of this candy before it was replaced by mars bar...the more you know

  25. I remember them well. Summit candy bars were my favorite (and still would be if they were around). I remember having one from time to time back in the 80's. It was just from time to time because we didn't gorge ourselves with crap back then. I wish I may, I wish I might, indulge in another effing Summit Candy Bar again. Why did Mars Corporation discontinue them? Yeah, they may not have been supper popular, but I bet they would be popular today. Anyone I've ever talked to about the Summit Candy Bar never remembers them. I suppose I'm just old (at 45). SOOOOO GOOD! #BringBackSummitCandyBarsNow

  26. I absolutely remember these. They were one of my favorites and I've written to Mars asking them to bring it back.

  27. Summit bars were very tasty! The only problem is the chocolate seemed to melt very easily. Even if you held it by the wrapper it melted. It was delicious, should be fine for a reboot in my opinion!

  28. I remember Summit bars. They weren't bad. Seems that I started seeing them in stores not long after Twix came out, which was 1979 (I think). I preferred Twix.

  29. Yes. These were my favorite! I wish I could eat one again. I don’t like Twix but kit kats alright. Both remind me of my Summit

  30. From what I remember, if Little Debbies Nutty Bars and Kit Kat had a child it would be Summit.

  31. My neighbor somehow how ended up with with half a garage full of em when they were discontinued. We definitely ate our fill of em for months!

  32. I loved Summit bars! I remember them being sold in the concession stand at my Dad's softball games growing up. I wish they would bring them back.

  33. Oh my gosh these were my FAVORITE candy bars when I was little. But then at some point in the early 80s they "improved" them by, among other things I guess, making them with hazelnut paste. I have a severe tree nut allergy and the new Summit bar sent me into the worst anaphylactic reaction of my entire life (even to this day). It's horrible when your favorite treat tries to kill you.

  34. Jingle: "You've love Summit, after only one bite! They are peanuts, chocolate, and, peanuts, chocolate, and light!".

    I liked these quite a lot.

    They came out the same time as Twix, which was also packaged in boxes like the Summit bars.

    The form factor and basic style of bar (chocolate coated stack of wafers interspersed with some filling) is replicated today by Cadbury's "Time Out" bar in Australia. Except, instead of nut-based filling, it uses chocolate-based filling. Summit was my favourite candy bar when it was around. It it thus not much of a surprise that, now living in Australia, Time Out is the only candy bar I make time for any more.

    I didn't remember what another commenter pointed out, that they melted easily even when held in the wrapper. Well, that's yet another similarity to Time Out. It appears it's only missing the nuts, to be basically a Summit by another name. If you ever get to Australia, give them a go. You'll miss the nutty flavour, but the overall effect is more similar to Summit than anything else I've seen on the market since Summit disappeared.

  35. As a #1 avid fan of M&M/Mars Peanut M&Ms in all forms, I fondly remember the Summit bars and their commercials. Sometimes it was a hard decision between Summit and Twix but I loved the chocolatey-peanutty goodness of the twin set snack!

  36. my neighbor worked at Mars and we got boxes of these i loved them they were really good. To me the new Reeses Sticks are a complete ripoff of them

  37. Yes i remember and miss the bar and miss the time
    Would buy them daily from.highschool book store and share with girlfriend

  38. I 💯% remember eating these in the 70's was my favorite bar! I wish they would sell these again!
