
Friday, October 24, 2014

Expired Coupon Daze - Ghostbusters Cereal!

New! Ghost Busters Cereal - 1986
Coupon Expires - May 3, 1986
Boo! (hoo...)

80's Ghostbusters Cereal Ad/Coupon


  1. coupon offers great information about the expired domain great love to know more about te eal and coupons

  2. What are you talking about man?

  3. I remember ordering a glow-in-the-dark frisbee after several proofs of purchase from this. I was 6 or 7 and my mom finally gave into the begging and sent the order off. A few months passed and I'd forgotten about it. Then one day I see a package hanging on the mailbox and it was the frisbee. I'd forgotten all about it. 80's snail mail...
