
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

From the Frozen Food Aisle: Birdseye Cool 'N Creamy Pudding

Product: Cool N' Creamy Pudding
Company: Birdseye
Years - Late 60s - early 70s

Recently I received an email from a reader/fan/ downright awesome person named Amy Bernstein-Feldman. She was inquiring about a product that she knew she remembered, but couldn't recall exactly what it was. It was a Cool Whip like Pudding from the 70's, but Amy couldn't figure out exactly what it was she was remembering.

So using my magical extinct grocery powers, I started to do some digging. And some more digging. And some more digging. I broke 3 shovels, threw out my back, and possibly uncovered an old indian burial ground, so there is a good chance I'm now cursed. But at last, I hit gold, and came across this product: Birdseye Cool 'n Creamy Pudding. It was a frozen pudding that came in a container very similar to what Cool Whip comes in today. You would thaw the pudding out, and it would be a rich, smooth consistency that was very different then other brand pudding that you could get in the store, and would last in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

It came in 3 flavors, Chocolate, Vanilla, and Butterscotch.

So it turns out that Amy wasn't crazy after all. The product did exist.

And the best part? The awesome 60's Commercials:


  1. Thank you so much for this post, Jason! If you eat some pudding, maybe your back will feel better. :)

    1. Pudding.....I just might try that.
      Or whiskey.
      Yeah, probably whiskey.

  2. Didn't Jello make something like this

  3. If they did, it was a Jello branded spin off of this, as Bird's Eye was bought by Kraft (Who owns The Cool Whip/Jello Brand).

    1. I bet that is wt happened. Jello Snack pack puddings taste quite a bit like the Cool 'N Creamy puddings, but are not frozen and have long shelf life. I loved the frozen ones - and there were two kinds of chocolate - milk and dark. I kept the bowls to reuse for a long time.

  4. I loved this product! They need to bring it back. This was the best pudding ever, and tasted homemade.

  5. Nothing was better for the post-'bud' munchies in the early 70's than a tub of dark chocolate Cool 'n Creamy! This really brings back old memories, or what's left of them.

  6. I loved this pudding! Chocolate in the brown tub, vanilla in the blue tub, and butterscotch in the tan tub! My favorite was chocolate. I hadn't found pudding that good until Kozy Shack. :)

  7. I'm convinced this stuff was made with crack - absolutely addictive - I'm with Stharphoenix11 - Bring it BACK!

  8. Butterscotch was my weakness,loved it after a few joints
    Refreshing and selfish never lasted two
    Weeks in our house

  9. I was trying to describe this stuff to my 30 y/o daughter. One thing I recall--if you ate some right out of the tub (some people actually did this), the enzymes in your saliva would turn the rest of the pudding to gruel over night. Therefore it was imperative to finish the whole tub in one sitting.

  10. I grew up going to grandma's house having this love it wish it would come back

  11. My goodness my grandma LC used to give me this when I come over on Saturday mornings what a treat it was

  12. I was little when this was popular. I use to dip my finger in the tub in the fridge and my mom would always find tiny finger marks in the pudding. Loved it!!

  13. My grandma worked as the nurse at a Birdseye plant in New York state back when this stuff was first being produced. O M G ! She brought some home that year so we could all take some home. Tremendous! I wish they still made it. In this fast paced world, you'd think it would be a sellout.

  14. I bought all three flavors when living in Vt. in the late 60's and early 70's. So smooth and creamy. I still have the chocolate container. It is dark brown.

  15. Delicious. My favorite was the chocolate. It took 3 tries for me to give the description for google to fin it. Wait till i tell my son, who was a toddle then.

  16. i had been trying to remember the name of this for some time and i actually googled it today by "1970s dessert that was in a cool whip like container" - found it and then i found your blog.... we always had this in the house back then. my mom was a great Italian cook but we didn't do a lot of dessert - this was our "treat". funny though when you ate it out of the container with a spoon and then went back to it later the "pudding" started to melt and become watery - wonder how many chemicals were in here! lol
    thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  17. This stuff was absolutely delicious!
    Every flavor was great. The chocolate one had the most unique taste ever, and I van still remember it. Nothing has ever come close to that taste and texture.
    For some reason, my mom would wash out the tubs and my sister and I would use them to play with in the bath! Great memories!

  18. Great memories!! My gramps and I went to Eagle foods (remember that store?) and he picked the chocolate and I picked the butterscotch. We indulged in a delicious treat! Best pudding ever! Miss you gramps!!

  19. close but no cigar. im thinking of another pudding. it was like a mousse

    1. Were you thinking of Whip N Chill? It was out around the same time as this and was sort of in between pudding and mousse.

    2. Yes, it was Birdseye pudding please Birdseye,this was the greatest thing you have ever made for over 50 years.Bring it back,your company would make gazillions in revenue only because what is being made for all of us now is crap!

  20. Loved the chocolate so much that I sometimes ate it partially frozen! Now I'll buy Kozy Shack and put my dish in the freezer for a bit so it is super cold and a bit frozen before I eat it...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Antyny sorry you never tasted Birdseye real pudding,any flavor was ecxellent.There is NO comparison today!

  22. My favorite was butterscotch...wish they would bring it back.

  23. I was 4 or 5 when this hit our area. I remember distinctly thinking that when I grew up, this was all I was ever going to eat! Loved all 3 flavors!

  24. It totally remember this pudding. My mom used to buy it when I was about ten years old.

  25. Finally got the answer I wanted! I thought Cool Whip had made this scrumptious frozen pudding but now that I see the old package I recognize it. BirdsEye Cool & Creamy Pudding. It never lasted two weeks. As soon as I found the container in the freezer I would start eating it. Chocolate was my favorite! By the time mom went to use it for dessert there was barely any in the container, if any. I mentioned it to my sister and her favorite was butterscotch. Evidently ahe ate that as soon as she found it too. LOL We both felt guilty that the rest of the family rarely got any of this delicious, creamy pudding dessert. I wish they would make it again. I'd be the first in line to buy it. So KRAFT or whoever has the rights to it, please strongly consider making this again. I won't have any guilt anymore- I live by myself now with my German Shepard. He can't have any- no chocolate. 😆

    1. P.S. Had to look this up again- forgot who made it- oh well, I'm sixty now, I'm entitled. �� BTW, I never liked Birdseye vegetables but I'd buy the frozen pudding again- every week. Bring it back. PUH-LEASE

  26. I'd eat a whole bowl of Vanilla on a Friday night while watching the Flintstones--sure wish someone would bring it back...perhaps a smart business person who realizes it's the generation that has money now to purchase as many containers as they want to.

  27. I have always talked about this Birdseye pudding and how delicious it was. Don't think there is anything comparable to it today. Wish it was still available. The chocolate flavor was especially tasty and it was good to eat when still partially frozen.

  28. This brings back so many memories would sneak in the kitchen and eat almost all is it and then try to smooth it out like it wasn't touch funny thing it would only be a small bowl left for after dinner and I would still be in line to hey more thank you Mommy for loving us RIH
