
Friday, January 23, 2015

From the snack aisle: Cajun Spice Ruffles

Product: Cajun Spice Ruffles
Company: Frito-Lay
Years: 1986-???

Who remembers these? I sure as heck didn't, when alert reader Gerald Logue emailed me and said "What about Cajun Spice Ruffles?", to which I was like "Cajun Spice Ruffles? Now you're just making stuff up!", to which Gerald was all like "Un-uh - they're real!", and I was like "No they're not"................this went on for days.
Finally, I remembered Gerald had said something in the initial email about Justin Wilson, the Cajun Cook, so I looked it up.........and holy s%*t, I found the commercial on Youtube, and bam, I remembered. (Well, I remembered the commercial, anyway....) Justin Wilson was the pitch person for these delicious, Cajun flavored chips.

Justin Wilson was from Southern Louisiana. He was a cook, a recording artist, a writer, a humorist, and best known for his catch phrase: "I gar-on-tee!

In the mid 80's, Cajun cooking was all the rage (much in the way Sriracha is today). Every brand of chips and snacks around this time had to have a cajun flavor, and Ruffles had a hit on their hands with their version. Problem is, like every other fad, people lost interest pretty quick, and these chips were discontinued after only a few years.

I do now remember liking these back in the day....I've always been a sucker for new potato chip flavors, and Cajun Spices have that kick I dig.

So if someone starts a petition to Ruffles to bring these back, I'd gladly stand in line to sign it.

I gar-on-tee!*

*Yep. I went there. It's been a long week, cut me some slack. He's dead, I hope he doesn't sue me for catchphrase infringement. Is that even a thing? I mean, I could spell it a little different, then it should be ok, right? Right???


  1. For a second I read that as "Cajun Space Ruffles". Given the enthusiasm for "space" anything in the 50s and 60s, I could see it...

  2. If they do have a petition to bring these back, please link to it, I would sign it, and I would be willing to bet there would be other people here who would, too...

  3. Why the company would get rid of these is a mystery to Me! Loved these, wish they would come back.

  4. Can we please have Cajun Spice Ruffles back I use to buy every bag in the store in my neighborhood. I know everyone I know loved them. Those were a hit here in Florida I dont know what you all did. But I have been trying to find a bag every day since Middle school. O wanted to take some to College. Now Im an adult taste is still with me can we please have these Cajun Spicy back. They were Awesome!!!!!!!!

    1. Please send a petition I would gladly get it sign by me and everyone I know these Ruffles chips Cajun Spicy need to come back to stay. Sincerely Sue

    2. I would be the first person to start and sign that petition. those chips were addicting. I remember the commercial. And unlike Doritos, they weren't a wimpy chip.

    3. I wrote to Doritos and told them that there are missing out on a lot, because there are plenty of Chili heads out there. Guys like me who've tried Mad Dog Inferno Hot Sauce. Mad Dog .357 Magnum Hot Sauce Sauce, Dave's Insanity and Beyond Insanity, Blair's Beyond Death. For a month they came out with First, second, and third degree chips. But their idea of HEAT and mine are vastly different. And they didn't have the Flavor of Ruffles. If you start a petition HOOZA!Bring them back Ruffle PLEASE!!!!!!!

    4. First degree, second degree, third degree BURN chips Sorry. But MEH!

  5. It pisses me off that Frito-Lay is so defiant about bringing this flavor back (they have no problem churning out 47 other flavors, some of which are really strange)

  6. This was my favorite flavor ever!!! I wish they would bring it back!

  7. I remember eating them myself, I think it was right around the time of Spiderman's Wedding since I remember buying some while on a family trip and noting the add on the comic book rack.

    To me it is up there with the ORIGINAL Salsarito (SP) Doritos,and my current favorite Guy's Brand Barbecue.

  8. I loved these! I would walk down to the local store at college just to grab a bag for the dorm room.

  9. These things were the bomb! They're one of the reasons 1987 was my favorite year ever...
