
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It's Back, People! Get out of the Water! Sharkleberry Fin has Returned!!!!

Mini post today to let you know what I found at the grocery store the other day. I found this:

Yep, it's back. After disappearing from shelves back in the 90's, Kool-Aid has brought back one of it's classics. For how long? Who knows. That's why I bought a couple (and picked up the display holder too...).

So the real question now is will we see re-releases of the other flavors in the set? Rock-A-Dile Red, Purlesaurus Rex, Great Bluedini, Pink Swimmingo and Incrediberry? We can only hope, wait, and see I guess. In the meantime, I'll make some phone calls, shot off some emails, and see what I can find out. More to come (I hope).

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