Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Update! New WWF Superstars Cereal Box discovered!

 Well this was a neat find...

Ok, ok...I know it's not that exciting. But I came across this new WWF Superstars Cereal box staring Luke and Butch, or as we have come to know and love them, The Bushwackers. We've all seen the 4 known boxes, with Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, and the Road Warriors on them (as I covered here: WWF Superstars Cereal), but I recently had the opportunity to purchase this box, which I know nothing about, except that it came from someone who used to work for the company who printed all the Ralston boxes in the 80's and 90's. Among the common boxes he had, he also had a few of these Bushwackers boxes.

These are the "Common" 4 WWF Superstar boxes from the early 90s.

Was it the new box that was supposed to hit store shelves soon, but was abruptly pulled when the cereal was discontinued? I would love to get to the bottom of it, but for now, I'm just happy to have it in my collection.

How could you not love these loveable guys?

Friday, January 23, 2015

From the snack aisle: Cajun Spice Ruffles

Product: Cajun Spice Ruffles
Company: Frito-Lay
Years: 1986-???

Who remembers these? I sure as heck didn't, when alert reader Gerald Logue emailed me and said "What about Cajun Spice Ruffles?", to which I was like "Cajun Spice Ruffles? Now you're just making stuff up!", to which Gerald was all like "Un-uh - they're real!", and I was like "No they're not"................this went on for days.
Finally, I remembered Gerald had said something in the initial email about Justin Wilson, the Cajun Cook, so I looked it up.........and holy s%*t, I found the commercial on Youtube, and bam, I remembered. (Well, I remembered the commercial, anyway....) Justin Wilson was the pitch person for these delicious, Cajun flavored chips.

Justin Wilson was from Southern Louisiana. He was a cook, a recording artist, a writer, a humorist, and best known for his catch phrase: "I gar-on-tee!

In the mid 80's, Cajun cooking was all the rage (much in the way Sriracha is today). Every brand of chips and snacks around this time had to have a cajun flavor, and Ruffles had a hit on their hands with their version. Problem is, like every other fad, people lost interest pretty quick, and these chips were discontinued after only a few years.

I do now remember liking these back in the day....I've always been a sucker for new potato chip flavors, and Cajun Spices have that kick I dig.

So if someone starts a petition to Ruffles to bring these back, I'd gladly stand in line to sign it.

I gar-on-tee!*

*Yep. I went there. It's been a long week, cut me some slack. He's dead, I hope he doesn't sue me for catchphrase infringement. Is that even a thing? I mean, I could spell it a little different, then it should be ok, right? Right???

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Expired Coupon Daze: Nutrament Energy Food (1970)

Sorry, you're about 45 years too late to get this AWESOME Zodiac Necklace. It's a shame, too....would have looked nice with your unbuttoned butterfly collar shirt and hairy chest.